Author: Melanie

Why Budget

Why Budget

Why you are budgeting. If you’re developing a budget just because someone says it’s a good idea, it probably won’t help very much. Similarly, if you’re just following the steps in a personal finance...

Job Search Tips for the New Graduates Out There

Job Search Tips for the New Graduates Out There

When you have the Knowledge but not the Experience   Firstly, congratulations for completing your education goals!  You deserve applause!  But unfortunately, your hard work is not over.  You need to find employment in...

Your Rights as a Tenant

Your Rights as a Tenant

  A lot of people have been asking me information in regards to their renting situation.  Here is the answer to a few of those questions. Everything below is a quote from the Residential Tenancies...

Useful Tips About Credit Cards

Useful Tips About Credit Cards

Some Useful Tips on Credit Cards People think negatively about credit cards, but they can be an incredible useful financial tool, if used correctly. Many cards provide travel insurance, identity protection, reward points, cash-back,...

Eating Healthy on a Bare Budget

Eating Healthy on a Bare Budget

A Dietary Guide for Post-Secondary Students   Everyone knows why university students eat so much Kraft Dinner and frozen pizza.  It’s cheap and quick! But it’s important to keep those ever-working brain cells fueled...

Doing your taxes on-line for free

Doing your taxes on-line for free

You can file your 2013 income tax online for FREE! Here’s a simple video that shows you how. … via @youtube

Financial Youth Leaders

Financial Youth Leaders

We are in the process of gathering names of youth that may be interested in joining our Financial Youth Leaders. If you know any youth between the ages of 13 and 18 in the...

2013 Income Tax Clinic

2013 Income Tax Clinic

Hi everyone! Our free 2013 tax clinic is set to begin! To qualify, your income must be less than: $30,000 – if you are single $35,000 – if you are single with 1 child...
